Eat Pray Love – Elizabeth Gilbert

Eat Pray LoveAfter being extremely unimpressed with the film, I avoided reading Eat Pray Love for a number of years (even though friends recommended it). However, researching for my upcoming trip to Indonesia, I kept coming across it in book and travel blogs. Bearing in mind that I started reading with negative feelings, I actually got more out of Eat Pray Love than I had expected.

This memoir leads us along Elizabeth Gilbert’s journey to ‘find herself’ after a traumatic marriage break-up. She heads to Rome to explore the idea of indulgence, India to find enlightenment and Bali to learn to love again. Or something like that. Continue reading

Shakespeare and Sons (Fine Bagels) – Berlin

My Christmas day 2015 was spent getting lost in Berlin. My friend and I walked for a good few hours through the centre of Berlin and out to the neighbourhood of Friedrichshain, which we had heard was the ‘cool area’. We were just starting to feel tired and in need of a pit-stop when what should we find around the next corner? A sign displaying the heavenly words, ‘WOW! Fine BOOKS…’ 

Fine Books Fine Bagels

I can confirm that we did indeed see some very ‘fine books’!

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Top 5 Bookish Highlights from 2015


Happy New Year everyone!

May 2016 be filled with plot twists, superb writing and great bookish conversation! But first, a quick look back at last year.

I may not have been all that active on the blog in 2015, but behind the scenes I’ve read some brilliant books and had some lovely bookish experiences. Here are just a few… Continue reading